Gina Murdock


Gina Murdock is a writer, yoga teacher, and community organizer. She is founder of the Aspen Yoga Society, The Aspen City of Wellbeing, Lead with Love Retreats and the Mind, Body, Spirit Rx content brand. Gina and her husband Jerry created and support the Mind, Body, Spirit Series at The Aspen Institute hosting speakers and events to raise consciousness. Murdock has a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica with an special emphasis on consciousness, health, and healing. Gina is a certified Chopra yoga and meditation teacher as well as a certified Bikram and Vinyasa Flow yoga teacher.

Gina is a founding member of Dr. Deepak Chopra’s Self Directed Biological Transformation Initiative and has willingly submitted her body to science! Gina is an active board member of the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies (ACES), The Center for Living Peace and The Chopra Foundation as well as an advisor to CTZNWELL. Gina is an International Editor at Origin Magazine, a contributor to Mantra Yoga and Health Magazine, and an ambassador for the mobile well-being platform Jiyo. Gina lives by these mantras: “Let the beauty you love, be what you do.” (Rumi); “Be the change you wish to see in the world” (Gandhi); and “WOOO-HOOO!” (Gina)